Contact Lenses

The use of contact lenses has revolutionized the way people see the world. In recent years, they have become increasingly popular among individuals of all ages as an alternative to traditional glasses. Contact lenses offer several benefits, including convenience, improved vision, and practical solutions to many lifestyles. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of contact lenses. This blog post aims to provide an overview of contact lenses, including their types, advantages, disadvantages, and how to properly care for them. Whether you are considering contact lenses for the first time or are a seasoned wearer, this post will provide valuable insights into everything you need to know about contact lenses.

Types of Contact Lenses
There are two main types of contact lenses: soft lenses and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. Soft lenses are made of a flexible plastic material that mimics the shape of the eye. RGP lenses are made of a rigid, oxygen-permeable material that provides sharper vision but can be less comfortable to wear. RGP lenses are often preferred by people with certain eye conditions or prescriptions that cannot be corrected with soft contact lenses.

Contact lenses can be a viable solution for a variety of patients including those with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. These lenses are categorized as single vision, toric, and multifocal contacts. 

  • Single Vision contact lenses have the same prescription throughout the lens and are the most commonly prescribed type of contact lens.

  • Toric contact lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, and have different powers in different meridians of the lens to correct the astigmatism.

  • Multifocal contact lenses  are designed to correct presbyopia,and have multiple prescriptions in different zones of the lens to provide clear vision at different distances

Daily VS Monthly Lenses
When choosing a contact lens, you will either wear a daily disposable lens or a monthly reusable lens. Daily contact lenses are designed to be worn once and then discarded at the end of the day. Monthly contact lenses, on the other hand, are designed to be worn and removed daily for up to a month before they need to be replaced.

Daily contact lenses are definitely more convenient because they don't require any cleaning or maintenance. You simply wear them for one day and then dispose of them. Monthly lenses however require daily cleaning to prevent eye infections and other complications. Daily contact lenses also tend to be more comfortable to wear than monthly lenses because they are made of softer and more breathable materials. In terms of which is healthier and safer for your eyes, dailies win as they are always fresh and free from any deposits or bacteria that can build up on longer-wearing lenses. 

Although daily lenses are more expensive per lens than monthly lenses, they can actually be more cost-effective over time as you do not need to purchase contact lens cleaning solutions, and last for many years before expiring (when sealed). Monthly lenses may also require more frequent replacements due to wear and tear, as well as improper care. 

Contact Lens Care 
Contact lenses require proper care and maintenance to avoid eye infections and other complications. This includes diligent daily cleaning of the lenses with a recommended solution, storing them in a clean case, and following the prescribed wearing schedule.

While contact lenses have many different benefits, misusing them can pose risks, including eye infections and corneal ulcers. To minimize the risks, it's important to follow proper hygiene and care instructions and replace lenses as recommended by your doctor. It is important to avoid sleeping, swimming, and showering with contact lenses in, as all of these activities could lead to health risks. We want to ensure that we create good habits when wearing contact lenses to avoid any possible risks that come with misusing lenses. 

First Steps 
If you are interested in trying contact lenses, we can help you with setting up an appointment with your Doctor. Contact lens comfort and fit vary based on the individual wearer's eyes and preferences, which is why we start with a contact lens evaluation. In this appointment, your Doctor will fit you with a lens that fits your eye as well as meets your needs and prescription, ensuring it is the best product for you. If this is your first time wearing contacts, we will also arrange a Contact Lens Teach appointment where we will teach you how to safely insert and remove your lenses before sending you home with trial lenses. 

Let’s Talk Contacts
At Bayview Vision, we love contact lenses and many of our staff are daily wearers too. If you think that contact lenses may be the solution for you, give us a call! We are here to help get you every step of the way, if you have any questions regarding contact lenses, please contact our office to discuss. 


Dry Eye


Aesthetics - TempSure Envi at Bayview Vision