Vision Therapy and Binocular Vision

Vision Therapy and Binocular Vision 
Have you ever heard of Vision Therapy? At Bayview Vision, we provide specialized binocular vision testing and therapies that benefit a wide variety of patients with significantly different symptoms and diagnoses. Some examples of these conditions include: traumatic brain injuries, learning and developmental disorders, as well as patients seeking to reach peak performance in sports. This assessment is able to tell us if you or your child would benefit from vision therapy and or other treatment methods. 

At Bayview Vision Therapy, our comprehensive Binocular Vision Assessment consists of 2-3 appointments, depending on the patients current abilities. The first appointment is scheduled for 1 hour of testing, the second for 2 hours of testing, and the 3rd is a 30 minute appointment with the doctor to discuss the explanation of the results and to discuss the recommended next steps.

What is Binocular Vision Testing?
It is a visual skills and perception specialty exam that assesses the function of the two eyes and how the brain processes visual information.This assessment examines function of the eyes and visual information processing. The doctor assesses the binocularity of the eyes. Specifically looking at visual efficiency, which encompasses eye teaming, eye focusing, and ocular motor tracking. 

Furthermore, examining how well the two eyes are working together, the accommodation abilities, how well the eyes can change focus for different distances, the oculomotor function, particularly how the eyes are actually moving both independently and as a team, peripheral awareness, spatial orientation, and light sensitivity. The later portion of testing is especially important for perceptual testing, laterality, learning deficits, as well as post-trauma function


Why is it Important?
The eyes are a very important and complex structure.  A Binocular Vision Assessment allows us to identify vision conditions that are not assessed, or only hinted at during a routine eye exam. There are many different types and combinations of complications that can occur in terms of visual skills and/or perceptual processing, all of which require different treatment. 

Vision conditions are often misdiagnosed and left untreated, leading to exacerbation or coping mechanisms that may go unnoticed such as the brain ignoring one eye or a tendency to avoid reading when possible. Individuals often don't voice their difficulties with vision as they are unaware that it is abnormal, especially when they have gone their whole life seeing the way they do. Children with visual deficits often struggle with school and adults are affected in their day to day activities. 

Binocular Vision Testing is instrumental in determining what your specific set of issues are so that we can make a treatment plan that is uniquely catered to you. Vision is an essential part of learning and daily life, enabling or preventing us from living comfortably and doing tasks efficiently and effectively. Our goal is always to have you seeing the best you can as soon as you can.

What Happens After the Assessment? 
Based on the results from this assessment, the doctor is able to get a picture of how the eyes are functioning and make recommendations going forward, which may include prescription lenses, prescription filters, vision therapy, or at home activities. The results, recommended action, and options moving forward are discussed in the 3rd appointment with the doctor. 

Could you Benefit from a Binocular Vision Assessment? 
Vision therapy is beneficial for individuals with learning-related disabilities, patients suffering from post-concussion visual symptoms, for patients with strabismus and amblyopia (lazy eye), and more. We are proud to offer these services and to help work with patients to improve their binocular function and comfort in day to day life. Just like any other therapy, it requires time and dedication to achieve results, however the outcome speaks for itself. 

If you have any questions regarding Binocular Vision testing and Vision Therapy - or if you think you or your child may benefit from these therapies, please do not hesitate to contact our office. You can also read more about Vision Therapy at Bayview Vision here. 

Call us at (416)-487-5401 or email us at


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